Sunday, January 19, 2014

Maui 2014

Patrick and I are finally going to Maui.  Grandpa Jim has a month reserved at the Mau Kai.  He has been going to Maui for over 20 years.  He invited one of our kids to join us and this year Dad is paying for Ryan's plane ticket.  So we are very happy to be going. Saved up all summer and off we go.  Here we are on the plane ride.  Left MSP airport at 7:30 am and got to Phoenix early at 9:30.  Ate at the airport and boarded for Maui.  Wow, what a long, long, day of flying.  We were again in the air for 6.5 hours.  But we were very excited to meet people on the plane and see finally see land.  Landed at Maui at 3:20 Hawaii time.  Dad met us and Patrick drove us all back to the Maui Kai. Gorgeous view of the ocean and the mountains on the right.  The view from our condo is amazing. This is Patrick and I at our condo the first afternoon.  I love this place. It's so beautiful. 

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