Thursday, December 26, 2013

Goodhue Xmas program 2013

Chance Super Mario

David, Ryan, Tristan Xmas

Gabe and Chance snowball throwers

Mikky Xmas Card

Pat sleeping Xmas night

Tristan and tool set

Gabe Xmas and Legos

Missy and Kelly Xmas

Chance and his new IPod

Xmas photo Ryan

David's new coat

Patrick and his Dad, church program

Skulski family Xmas

Boys Xmas 2013 posing with cash from Grandpa Jim

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Our blue Xmas tree- Pats idea:)

Tom and Missy Thanksgiving

Pat and Chance playing cars

Ryan, Chance and Gabe

Kelly and Emmitt 2013

Gabe and Rylie at hockey game

Cousins laughing!

Tristan on the ice #9 Winger game

Tristan and his hockey team 2013

Tristan, Gabe, Chance at Missy's

Patrick and I river view

Gabe 5th grade basketball

Pat and I fireplace 2013

Pat and Mikky brrr

Michele and Melissa Thanksgiving 2013 B&W

Xmas photo of boys 2013

Pat, Mikky, Missy, Tom at Thanksgiving 2013

Our family Thanksgiving 2013