Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wisconsin Dells Jetboats. This was so much fun. We all agreed that this was our favorite thing at the Dells. Here we are after the ride. Yes, we got wet! Especially Tristan and I

Here we are at Noah's Ark. Chance and I liked the enormous wave pools the best. Although we did think Dark Voyage slide was amazing.

I love this, had to snap a picture. Tristan helping Chance tie his trunk strings. Big Brothers are awesome.

Ryan at the Dells Beach. I do love that he's confident in those pink trunks :)

Chance being tossed at the Dells beach

At Wisconsin Dell's new beach. Pat and Ryan are throwing Gabe into the air.

Kelly's 39th Birthday .... with her new short haircut. Looks really nice.

Our three baseball players. What a busy summer! Baseball every night. Was fun to watch all of them play at different levels. Chance T-ball, Gabe 3rd grade prep league, Tristan 10th grade RWHS and VFW. Fun summer of baseball. Love this picture.

Tristan's RWHS 10th grade baseball photo. 2012. Tristan also played in the VFW summer league. Tristan played mostly 2nd base, with occasionally pitching. He is also a pinch runner.

Chance's Kindergarten T-ball photo. (2012) Chance learned to hit without a tee this year. He did make one in field homerun. The name of his team was the "Mets". They played 6 games/practices on Wednesdays.

Gabe's Baseball photo. 3rd Grade 2012

Red Wing White 3rd Grade Baseball Team Photo. They took 2nd place in the league championship game.

Gabe's first year of organized baseball. 3rd grade prep league. He played mostly 2nd and 3rd base, left field and he did pitch a few innings. This team learned sooooo much this year. They started out losing all their games. Then they went on to win their last 6-7 games and play in the championship game. Wow.

Chance, Brock and Gabe having squirt gun fight and playing in the sprinkler

Mikky and Pat with two of the many Northern we caught that day. So much fun fishing with friends (and no kids). Nice little vacation up north.

Patrick's 25 inch Northern Pike. Caught in Grand Rapids. We spent 4 days with Terry and Laura fishing and having fun. We ate this nice fish when the "Gosh Darn Place" fried it up for us ( it's a local sports bar)

Dad and Aunt Pam in Hawaii (2012) This year Pam flew to visit Dad. They climbed a mountain and went whale watching and saw a lot of 5 foot green turtles. Great Picture.

Birthday Boys. Gabe (9), Ryan (18)--Both born on Memorial Day 9 years apart:)

Gabe's 9th Birthday Party. They had pizza, went to see Men in Black III and played basketball.

Happy 18th Birthday Ryan! That went fast. Ryan wanted his windows fixed in his Cherokee for his birthday. Thanks to dad, Ryan has working windows:)

Cousins helping celebrate Chance's Birthday

Chance's Birthday Party (Swimming) with his buddies from the kindergarten class

Mom and Chance's Birthday 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Gabe's 9th Birthday Party

Birthday Boys (Ryan 18, Gabe 9)

Ryan (Athletic Banquet 2 sport letter winner)

Ryan and Pat (Athletic Banquet) 2012

Chance's 6th Birthday

Pat and Tristan on the way to the Twins game

Target Field 2012

Tristan at Twins Game (15th Birthday) 2012

Tristan and I (Michele) Twins Game 2012

David and Pat

Tristan Hockey 2012

Ryan Hockey 2012

David's 21st Birthday (Jan 2012)

Patrick and Michele

Family Portrait Nov 2011 (Patrick, Michele, David, Ryan, Tristan, Gabe, and Chance)

Halloween 2011

Chance in Grandpa's Apples (Oct 2011)

The gang-Gabe getting church bible.

My first shirt and tie (October 2011)