Friday, April 25, 2008

Easter Dinner

Very nice picture of mom and dad at Missy's after Easter Dinner. Ham was great, kids had a blast finding the 250 eggs for the egg hunt. We had a good time.

Tristan First Communion

Tristan's First Communion. He enjoyed the passover feast with his dad and making bread for Communion. This photo will go in the frame we bought him. Yes he loved the "juice" and bragged about his wine in the fridge.

Silly Kids

What can I say?

Easter Eggs

Boys coloring Easter Eggs


Mom and Dad in Hawaii. Beautiful picture of rainbow off balcony of hotel.

Chance's Birthday

Chance is two years old Feb. 22nd. I also had a good bday.
He's finally starting to talk more and chase his brothers.

Grandma Florence

Grandma Florence and family in January

David is 17

David's seventeen already. Wow.
He appreciated all the presents and cash. He liked the new winter coat and money he got from us. Especially to pay for gas for his truck.