Thursday, August 9, 2007

We're Home

Pat and I... "tired" after our trip to South Dakota.
We had a blast, kids were well behaved, the scenery was awesome.
Long Drive, but well worth it. Unpacking or beer first?? Hmmm.

Mount Rushmore Close Up

We stayed in a hotel at the foot of Mt. Rushmore in the Black Hills. Our hotel room was very large. Kids had a blast. See picts below.

Bear Country

Our first stop in our trip to S.D. was Bear Country. The boys' favorite part was all the baby bears wrestling. The two grizzly's were cool too.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

I Spy a Buffalo

A mom buffalo and her baby we saw along the road in Custer State Park. We also saw some antelope. We went to Crazy Horse Memorial later that day.

Badlands Nat'l Park

The Badlands were beautiful....and hot. We drove through the park and the boys got out and ran around over the hills for awhile. They loved it. Ryan and Tristan said it was their favorite part of the S. Dakota trip. Although the boys were looking for rattlesnakes, with no luck, we did see prairie dogs and a mule deer here.

Mount Rushmore

Mt Rushmore was really cool, I was surprised how much it has changed, we got to walk along a trail under the monument. Boys liked it and Gabe now calls them "the faces".