Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day

Pat and the boys on Father's Day. Yes, all FIVE!
The boys got him a new battery powered awesome weed whip that he wanted, he was happy! We went swimming in the pool then Pat took a nap and went to see Pirates of the Caribbean. For supper we took Pat out for cheeseburgers at Randy's.

Naked Baby Alert

Chance trying to reach the door after swimming in the pool. He was adamant that he was going to open that door after I took his trunks off. He didn't, but it made a hilarious photo.

Prank on Ryan

Ryan fell asleep and David took a marker to him. Pranksters, it was funny, not for poor Ryan, but the rest of us had a good chuckle.


The boys did some paintballing over Memorial Day in Laura/Terry's woods. Tristan took a hit to his lower back this weekend. Ouch. Pat loves to get out there and hunt the boys also, camoflage...yes!! They had a blast. It was a fun holiday... over the campfire.

Birthday Boys!

Gabriel turned four on May 26th and Ryan turned thirteen on May 30th. They had a nice birthday party, lots of gifts and cake. We got Ryan a soccer goal and Gabriel a bike, they loved their gifts.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day this year Gabriel sang in church. Chance is sick with hand/foot/mouth and cried the entire day. Pat and I were ready to scream after a few hours of this, but I enjoyed my hanging basket and new bracelet from all the boys.